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Nebraska Choice Gas customers

Nebraska Choice Gas customers

Choose your gas supplier here

The Choice Gas program, administered by Black Hills Energy, 让你自由选择你的供应商和汽油价格,你将从6月1日起支付, 2024. Take control and make a selection so you can enjoy the benefit of choice.

The Nebraska Annual Selection Period opens April 4, 2024 and ends April 24, 2024

No matter who you select, 澳门金沙登录公司将在这里确保您的天然气服务安全可靠.

供应商将在4月4日开始营销,这是2024年选择期的开始. This will allow selections to be made during the same time as marketing, and once your selection is recorded, marketing from Suppliers will cease within 24 hrs. The 2024 selection period ends on April 24, 2024.

Still have questions? Give us a call at 888-890-5554.


Nebraska Choice Gas Participating Towns:

Download the list of Nebraska Choice Gas participating towns


How it works

Customers may choose their natural gas commodity supplier using the internet, mail, supplier or the rollover option.  积极参与该计划可以确保客户对天然气商品供应商拥有独家控制权, 从6月1日开始,他们将为即将到来的2024年项目支付的价格期权和价格.

No matter which supplier you select, Black Hills Energy will maintain your local natural gas system, read the meters, send bills and answer any questions you may have.

If you do not make a selection online at choicegas.通过您的供应商,或通过邮件,自动滚转方法生效.  滚动选择方法导致您的天然气商品价格期权与同一天然气商品供应商的延续. If you rollover, 您的最终价格将在您的供应商选择期结束后的15天内确定.

除非供应商同意,否则客户上一年度支付的天然气商品价格不得结转.  您的最终展期价格可能与年度选择期间的报价不同.

Multi-year selection option

If you select a multi-year term through your supplier, 你会知道你的价格选择和价格——不仅是新项目年度(6月至5月)的价格,还有未来项目年度的价格, 因此,在选择多年期保险时,一定要与供应商核实价格和期限.  当你选择多年期时,在你选择的任期内,你不会:

  • Receive an annual selection packet
  • Receive supplier marketing communications
  • Be eligible to make another selection

所有燃气选择只适用于服务地址,不能转移到其他服务地址. Multi-year selection options are customer and service address specific. So, if you move during the term of a multi-year selection, 你可在下一个年度选择燃气的期间,在你的新服务地址进行选择.

澳门金沙登录关于多年期选择的信息,请联系任何参与Choice Gas的供应商.

Customer letter

Download the 2024 Nebraska Choice Gas customer letter.


Download the 2024 Nebraska Choice Gas guidebook.

Supplier marketing and contact information

The natural gas market can be volatile, with available prices changing frequently during the selection period. 为您澳门金沙登录提供及时的信息,帮助您选择最适合您需求的天然气商品供应商, the participating natural gas commodity Suppliers may call, 发短信或电子邮件给您分享他们的个人天然气商品价格和价格期权产品. Black Hills Energy, the Choice Gas Program Administrator, 向参与“选择天然气计划”的天然气商品供应商澳门金沙登录提供您为您的Black Hills Wyoming Gas澳门金沙登录提供的电话号码和电子邮件地址, LLC utility account.

虽然我们希望您有机会从所有天然气商品供应商那里获得这些额外信息,但我们也理解电话, texts and emails may be burdensome. Each natural gas commodity Supplier is limited on the frequency, type and number of contacts made to you. If you don’t want to receive these communications, 请要求从他们的电话列表中删除或选择退出他们的电子邮件通信. 您也可以致电877-245-3506联系公用事业呼叫中心,要求参与“选择天然气计划”的天然气商品供应商停止向您进行所有营销沟通. Within 24 hours of completing a successful selection for your service address, you shouldn’t receive any further contact from natural gas commodity Suppliers.

2024 Nebraska Choice Gas Supplier Selection Results

Last Updated May 29, 2024

Supplier Number of enrollees
Constellation Energy
(Se habla español)
Black Hills Energy Services
(Se habla español)
WoodRiver Energy
Symmetry Energy
(Se habla español)
Uncle Frank Energy Services
ACE (Public Alliance for
Community Energy)

(Se habla español)
Vista Energy Marketing
Legacy Natural Gas

Frequently asked questions

黑山澳门金沙登录服务公司(BHES)是一家不受监管的竞争性天然气供应商. Black Hills Nebraska Gas, Black Hills Energy有限责任公司是一家受监管的公用事业公司和选择天然气计划的管理者,以“Black Hills Energy”的名义开展业务.”

BHES, the Choice Gas supplier, is affiliated with Black Hills Energy.  Although the names of the two affiliated businesses are similar, BHES澳门金沙登录提供的不受监管的竞争性天然气供应服务在法律上与黑山澳门金沙登录公司澳门金沙登录提供和管理的受监管的选择天然气计划是分开的.

You can submit a selection online, through your chosen supplier, 通过邮件,或者你可以什么都不做,转到相同的供应商和价格选项, however, 我们建议你积极地做出选择,这样你就能立即知道你要支付的价格.

当你在周三或之前通过一种被接受的提交方式提交你的选择时,你的选择被认为是有效的, April 24, 2024. 确认码是时间敏感的,所以请与供应商确认代码的有效期. 澳门金沙登录公司收到的第一个有效选择将被视为您的最终选择. Record your verification number if you’re submitting your selection online. You’ll need to sign any mailed selection forms for them to be valid.

If you move from one service address to another, 或新客户搬到“选择燃气计划”区域内的服务地址, 该客户将继续使用先前为该地址选择的供应商. 如果在4月份的年度选择期间,您要迁往的服务地址不是一个有效的服务地址, or it is a new construction service address without a previous customer, you will be mailed a selection packet. For additional questions about service address issues, call 888-890-5554.

No. Regardless of your selection, Black Hills Energy will continue to provide meter reading and billing services, respond to gas leaks, 并确保天然气供应的安全性和可靠性,以选择天然气计划社区.

No. 分配率不时发生变化,并须经内布拉斯加州公共服务委员会批准.

Yes. 参与供应商必须满足布莱克山内布拉斯加州天然气关税的要求, which are approved by the Nebraska Public Service Commission.

如果您是预算计费客户,并选择供应商澳门金沙登录提供的固定月度账单价格选项, 你的预算账单余额将与你的六月账单全额到期.  For questions about your Budget Billing balance, please call 888-890-5554.